Photo: A place like Paris

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Sometimes you think you have found a perfect very unique spot to make a photo. You set up your shot. I usually do bracket to have more flexibility later. It looks good on the LCD screen. But when you go home and try to post-process, you can not make anything special out of it. It looks somehow dull and uninspiring.

Exactly this happened with me with this photo. Sometimes you need to fail to get something new. I first try to do a typical HDR of this. But I was not very satisfied with my resulting colors. I liked my composition, but the colors looked too artificial. So, I decided to try something new. I desaturated my HDR significantly and added a blur vignette. I think it gives the photo a bit of a pinhole feeling. By the way, the photo is done from the Belaggio towards the Paris Paris Casino in Las Vegas. So we are not in France 😉