Like discussed in the class, we will change the report form of your individual project.
Old form: Every student has to hand in a report about his assigned topic (about. 5 pages text)
New form: Every student has to write a blog article about their topic that summarizes the insights of the individual project effectively. Target length is around 600-700 words. More important than the length is effective usage of the blog article format (incl. formatting, illustrations/photos, headline & intro text) to write a compelling article that people would like to read in the internet and perceive as valuable content. You are free to structure your topic in the best way for your purpose and you are not forced to stick strictly to bullet points described in the syllabus.
Although the final deadline for the individual project is at the end of the semester, I invite every student to write their blog article asap after their presentation (or even before). The best blog articles have the chance to be published as guest articles to a wider audience in the context of the Social Media Days 2015
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