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Info: Final Presentation

Dear all,

Please send me the report and powerpoint slides till Monday May 4th via e-mail. Bring a hard copy of the slides and report to the class. Every team has 12-15 minutes time followed by a brief discussion. Everyone of the team should present a part of the team project.

Please treat the presentation as a serious business presentation and dress up adequately, when you are planed to present. Please also participate in the discussion of other presentation.

All the best



Homework: You-tube Video

Dear all,

please produce as groups 2-3 small videos (everyone in the group should be involved in at least one video). The video should circle around the topic of your blog, so you can post it later. Ideally it is a series.

Please upload your videos to You Tube and send me the link with the names of the involved people till May 5th


Info: New report form for your individual project

Like discussed in the class, we will change the report form of your individual project.

Old form: Every student has to hand in a report about his assigned topic (about. 5 pages text)

New form: Every student has to write a blog article about their topic that summarizes the insights of the individual project effectively. Target length is around  600-700 words. More important than the length is effective usage of the blog article format (incl. formatting, illustrations/photos, headline & intro text) to write a compelling article that people would like to read in the internet and perceive as valuable content. You are free to structure your topic in the best way for your purpose and you are not forced to stick strictly to bullet points described in the syllabus.

Although the final deadline for the individual project is at the end of the semester, I invite every student to write their blog article asap after their presentation (or even before). The best blog articles have the chance to be published as guest articles to a wider audience in the context of the Social Media Days 2015


Slides from last class

Dear all,

please find enclosed the slides of the last classes

Part 3 -Analytics & Video2



social graph network economy_M.Jeffalone.ppt

Social Listening Tools.pptx

Discussion Forums Presentation.pptx

Social media Automation_Arun.ppt

John Gorin Social Metrics


Social selling


info: mid-term presentation

Dear class,

next week we will have our mid-term presentations.

It is way to inform each other about our project and learn from each other.

Every team designates 1-2 students to present their project. You can use powerpoint, but I’m also totally fine, if you use just the browser. You will use the browser anyway to show the blog and the google analytics account.

we need to know:

  • What is your blog about?
  • Briefly what was your initial strategy (i.e. blog proposal)?
  • How does the execution looks like now (i.e. blog site, which categories are you posting, how to typical blog posts of you look like)?
  • How did you promote the blog?
  • How did you do so far (i.e. a glance into google analytics for this time)?
  • What are your plans for the next weeks?
  • Every team has 15 Minutes time to present.
  • Hope that helps you to prepare for tuesday.

All the best



Student presentation from last class

Dear all,

please find enclosed the slides of the last classes

Leroux-Lindsey_News Aggregators.pptx

Social Advocacy Programs .pptx
